Erste Publikation: Understanding Forestry Practices to Support Climate Adaption
Anfang Oktober, kurz nach offiziellem Start des Projektes, erschien bereits eine erste Publikation des Projektes. Das kurze wissenschaftliche Essay diskutiert Erkenntnisse aus der Antragsphase und wurde auf der NordiCHI Konferenz in Aarhus, Dänemark, in Form eines Posters vorgestellt.
Der Abstract des Papers liest sich folgendermaßen:
Forests and their management practices are under considerable pressure to adapt to a changing climate. This study reports on early results on the adaptation of forests and forestry practices in Europe. Our study confirms the social and situated nature of forestry and climate adaption and found that the absence of appropriate knowledge and the multi-actor nature of the forest are central challenges for the necessary adaptation. These challenges are well known to HCI research and resonate with approaches to knowledge management and participation of multiple actors in design. The forest however also challenges existing approaches in return. This makes the forest a site not just for urgent action to realise its role in climate mitigation, but also for the production of HCI knowledge.
Eine freie Version des Papers findet sich auf Researchgate.
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